decorating your car for the holiday

How To Use A Title Loan To Cover Unexpected Holiday Expenses

With the holidays just around the corner, you may spend a little more than you actually have. However, with At Home Title Loans, you can get help covering any unexpected expenses that pop up. When you need help paying for surprise costs, you may want to consider getting a quick and easy title loan through one of our licensed loan vendors.

Whether you’re traveling for the holidays or spending them right where you are, you’ll want to read this article until the end! Here are 5 common unexpected holiday expenses that you should look out for as you begin making your plans for the season.

5 Common Unexpected Holiday Expenses

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also bring some unexpected expenses that can put a strain on your budget. Whether you are hosting a party, traveling to see your family, or just enjoying the festive atmosphere, you might encounter some costs that you did not anticipate like:

1. Extra Food And Beverages

The holidays are a time to eat and be merry with your loved ones and close friends. People tend to eat and drink more than usual during these times, sometimes more than they may have planned for.

So, one thing you may want to do is buy extra just in case you run out. Depending on the kind of items you’ll need to purchase, remember that they could also cost extra and be more challenging to find when the holidays are already in full swing.

2. Transportation

Transportation is another expense that can creep up on you during the holiday season. Things like traveling to be with family or leaving your car behind so you can enjoy a few cocktails while you are attending parties in your hometown can add up quickly. 

Because of this, you might have to shell out some money for taxis and any rideshare services. Remember, no matter how well you’ve planned these things in advance, you must always leave some room in your budget for the unexpected!

use title loan to cover unexpected holiday expenses

3. Accommodations

Similar to transportation, your accommodation plans could go haywire and require a financial lifeline. For example, you might run out of space for relatives to stay in your home.

Or, in a worst-case scenario, something might go wrong in your home and require you to stay elsewhere. Whatever the case, last-minute room rentals can surprise even the most prepared budgeters!

4. Childcare And Pet Care

The holiday season involves many visits for events like dinners, parties, and the like. Unfortunately, some gatherings might not be appropriate for your children or pets. That’s why you might find yourself in need of some last-minute childcare or pet care. Not only will that require you to have money, but it’ll cost more during the holiday season.

5. Urgent Repairs

Last-minute repairs can derail your holiday plans in so many ways. For example, broken kitchen appliances will prevent you from preparing the home-cooked meal your family looks forward to all year round. So, be mindful of any last-minute repairs or replacements necessary to keep your holiday plans on track.

What Is A Title Loan, And How Can It Help?

A title loan is a way to borrow money in the short term for your urgent financial needs. It enables you to use your lien-free car title to secure as much as $15,000 quickly and easily, depending on the value of your car. This type of loan can help you cover the unexpected expenses that might affect your holiday plans, such as the common ones described earlier.

Aside from your car title, you’ll also need your driver’s license (or a state-issued ID) to begin the process of getting one of these loans. Then, you’ll need to bring your car in for a quick inspection to determine its worth and, by extension, how much you qualify to borrow.

Title loans offer several benefits that could make it a helpful option to consider for your urgent financial needs this holiday season. One of the most important is how quickly you can get the money if your loan request is approved.

Suppose you go through the loan process and get approved. In that case, you could receive the money as early as the same day or by the next business day. In other words, you could get the funds you need to cover those urgent expenses and keep your holiday plans moving forward!

holiday debt and title loans in santas stocking

Will A Bad Credit History Disqualify Me?

With this loan, you don’t have to worry about your bad credit history disqualifying you immediately. Having perfect credit is not a requirement to get a title loan. So, focus on meeting the loan’s requirements and going through the title loan process, even if your credit is bad.

Start The Process Now!

Get started with a title loan now to cover your unexpected costs and keep the holidays cheerful! First, submit the secure inquiry form with the required details. Soon after, an At Home Title Loans loan specialist will call to discuss your financial needs.

Then, they’ll connect you to a licensed vendor who will meet you in person to take care of the rest. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to completing your request and getting the financial help you need!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Mason Roberts

Mason Roberts is a seasoned economics writer and blogger with a knack for breaking down and simply communicating the ever-changing world of finance. He is philosophically committed to the premise that financial knowledge equals financial freedom.