money to pay for an emergency

How To Save Money Fast To Pay For An Emergency

"How to save money fast" might be one of the most commonly searched finance terms. And that really comes as no surprise. After all, most people could do with extra cash stored away for emergencies or a rainy day.

But while it's easily searched, it isn't so easily answered because everybody's financial climate is different. However, we're going to divulge seven methods you can employ to save as much money as possible and faster than you might believe.  

Use These 7 Methods To Save Money Fast

When you need to learn how to save money fast, having the right tips make all the difference. The following seven methods can help you get started and have money start coming in as soon as today!

1. Automate Your Savings Through Your Bank Or An App

Some banks allow you to automate contributions to your savings account. However, you can install a mobile application to do this for you if your bank doesn't provide this service. It's a great option if you often forget to put money into a savings account or aren't sure how much to contribute every month. 

There are several applications that automate savings it is just about picking the right one for you. Digit and Qapital are two of the best. They're designed to automatically transfer a preset amount into your savings every month. Automation is perhaps one of the most beneficial aspects of banking in the modern world. So, take advantage of it — it's an integral how-to save money fast tip. 

rainy day fund for emergencies

2. Sign Up For Loyalty And Reward Programs

Signing up for discount cards to the grocery stores and drug stores you use regularly is a fantastic way to save a bit of extra cash every time you shop. While the savings from one shopping trip may not amount to much, it will significantly add up over time. You can put all the money you save straight into your emergency fund to swiftly boost it without even trying. 

3. Always Shop Around For Insurance Policies

Never just let your insurance plans roll past their renewal dates without checking to see if you can get a better deal elsewhere. 

Use comparison websites to see if you can save money by switching providers. The chances that you aren't getting the best deal are high. After all, insurance is a very competitive market, so providers toil to beat the average price — and you can take advantage of that. 

By not spending as much on insurance, you will be able to save more for emergencies and rainy days. 

4. Cut Back On Your Utility Bills

You can cut back on your various utility bills and then use that money to quickly build your emergency fund, allowing you to secure better financial health as soon as possible. Here are a few quick tips on how you can reduce your utility bills:

  • Switch energy provider — Like insurers, energy providers offer different competitive rates. Use comparison sites to find the best one. 
  • Use LED light bulbs — LED bulbs are up to 85% more efficient than regular bulbs, and they last up to 25 times longer. 
  • Get a smart thermostat — It will intelligently adjust your home's heating, potentially saving you a lot of money. 
  • Seal air leaks — Air gaps surrounding doors and windows increase heating bills as your heaters must run longer to keep the room warm. Seal the gaps with weather strips to keep warm air from escaping. 

5. Start A Side Hustle

Starting a side hustle is worth considering if you're serious about learning how to save money fast to help you pay for emergencies quickly. Today, almost anything can be a side gig if you put in the work, so pick something you're good at and go for it.

6. Try A No-Spend Weekend Every Month

Set a no-spend weekend every month where you only do things that don't cost any money. The money you would've spent on a typical weekend can be put directly into your emergency fund to help boost your savings even faster. 

researching car title pawns online

7. Use A Car Title Pawn

Finally, if you experience a financial emergency and haven’t had the time to get an emergency fund established, you can use a car title pawn from one of At Home Title Loans' direct lenders to borrow up to $15,000. With access to such large borrowing amounts, it is easy to fund your emergency. 

It's perhaps a quick way to get urgent money when you need it most. You don't need a good credit score either. Instead, you must own a vehicle outright, have a lien-free title to use as collateral, and have government-issued identification. Loan amounts vary based on the value of your vehicle. Please note that our lenders only accept cars, trucks, and vans. They won't work with other modes of transportation. 

Use At Home Title Loans' Direct Lenders To Get A Car Title Pawn Today!

All the methods above have taught you how to save money fast to pay for an emergency. And all of these methods are simple for you to begin. You could even do more than one method at the same time! But if you need cash and have no time to waste waiting around, secure a car title pawn from one of our direct lenders. You could receive the money quickly if you are approved, and getting started is straightforward — just complete the online inquiry form on our website! 

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Louis Tully

Louis Tully is a full-time finance writer offering financial expertise to everyday consumers. He understands the core values of finance and used his writing talents to share his own experiences with money to his readers. His articles teach how financial failures can easily become successes by making new habits and creating realistic goals.