emergency cash for christmas

How To Handle A Financial Emergency Near Christmas

Financial emergencies are especially devastating near Christmas, but you can handle them with a few helpful tips and some assistance from At Home Title Loans. This article will tell you everything you need to know about resolving whatever emergency threatens your holiday plans.

First, you’ll learn the kind of financial emergencies to be wary of near Christmas. Then, you’ll discover a step-by-step process to handle the situation, including getting emergency funds through a title loan with help from At Home Title Loans.

What Kind Of Financial Emergencies Happen Near Christmas?

Financial emergencies can happen at any time of the year. Still, some are more devastating than others, especially near Christmas.

Here are some financial emergencies to be mindful of as you approach the holiday season:

  • Physical injuries: People are more likely to suffer physical injuries near Christmas as they climb tall ladders to hang decorations. These can lead to emergency room visits and expensive treatments.
  • Car accidents: The cold weather around Christmas often means roads get slippery. That can lead to car accidents that cause injuries like the ones mentioned above and costly mechanical repairs.
  • Travel issues: With so many people traveling back for Christmas, delays and cancellations are expected. People might resort to buying newer, more expensive tickets and have to pay for last-minute accommodations.

Thinking about a financial emergency near Christmas can be a killjoy, but it’s best to be prepared. Doing so will help you minimize and resolve any potential issues so you can return to enjoying your Christmas plans with friends and family!

How Do You Handle A Christmas Financial Emergency?

Financial emergencies during the Christmas holiday can take many different forms. The best way to handle any of them is to take an organized, step-by-step approach.

Here are 5 steps to take if you experience a financial emergency near Christmas:

handle a financial emergency near christmas

Step 1: Assess The Situation

A sudden financial emergency can make anyone panic. That’s especially true around the holidays as people feel their plans are automatically ruined by the problem.

That’s why the first and most crucial step is to assess the situation. Although it’s easier said than done, try to keep emotions out of it as much as possible.

Take a few moments to measure the situation and determine how much it’ll affect you financially. It’s easy to blow things out of proportion, so be clear about what the problem is and isn’t.

Doing so will help you put things into perspective to work towards resolving the situation.

Step 2: Identify Options

Now that you know the ins and outs of your financial emergency, it’s time to identify your options.

There are never any ‘bad’ ideas when brainstorming, so list everything you can do to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Step 3: Talk To Friends And Family

Next, talk about your financial emergency to friends and family you can trust. They’ll be able to give you the support that you need.

Support can take several forms. Some people might only give you emotional support, while others might have the solution you need.

Step 4: Ask For Help

You might be tempted to handle the problem on your own, especially if it saves your friends and family from disappointment. That’s not the right way to go about things.

Instead, open up and ask for help when you need it. That could be financial help or advice that will help you connect with a professional service that can resolve your emergency.

title loan cash stocking stuffer

Step 5: Get Emergency Funds

Financial emergencies require money to resolve. If you have enough savings to deal with the problem, that’s good. But if you need extra emergency funds, you’ll need to know where to get it quickly and easily.

A title loan is one option you can consider. This option could help you borrow up to $15,000, depending on the value of your car.

Here’s what you’ll need to get one of these loans:

  1. Title: First, you’ll need the lien-free title to your car. That means it must be free from any outstanding loans or judgments and that you own the vehicle outright.
  2. Photo ID: You’ll also need your driver’s license for identification purposes. If you don’t have one, another state-issued ID will do.
  3. Vehicle: Lastly, you must bring your car in for an inspection. That will help determine your car’s value and how much money you can borrow.

The good thing about this kind of loan is that you’ll get to keep your car after the inspection. That means you won’t have to give up your vehicle, especially during the holiday season!

Resolve Your Financial Emergency Now!

There’s no time to waste when you have a financial emergency near Christmas. Follow the steps above to get a handle on things, and contact At Home Title Loans if you need help getting extra emergency funds.

To get started, complete and submit the secure inquiry form online with your details. Once that’s done, an At Home Loans representative will call you to discuss your needs so that they can connect you to a licensed vendor in your area. When the lenders’ representative contacts you, ask any questions you may have to understand the title loan process better. If you decide it’s the right option for you, set up a meeting to complete the process, and get the emergency cash you need this holiday season.

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

June Mckaig

June Mckaig writes articles on finance and budgeting, hoping to provide insight amidst the overwhelming crowds of information on the internet. She feels that with all this accessibility comes a lot of false data, and she would like to contribute astute, helpful input that she knows can help others. If you would like to learn more about June's research, read more here.