woman lost her job

Suddenly Lost Your Job? Take Charge of Your Career Now

Losing your job isn’t the end of the world. Look at it as the start of the next chapter of your life. Here���s what to do—in every area of your life—to help you regain your confidence, rebuild your career, and take charge of your finances.

Do These Things To Bounce Back Quickly After Job Loss

Stop the blame game.

It’s natural to go through a roller coaster of emotions: anger, frustration, fear, guilt, shame. But don’t wallow in them, especially since you need all the positive energy to bounce back into the game. Look for a positive outlet (ex. writing in your journal, exercising, cleaning the house) and then firmly face the present. You can’t change the past, you can’t foresee the future, but you can do something today.

Gather your financial resources and make a plan.

Negotiate with your company about a retrenchment package, and whether you can still enjoy some medical coverage a few months after the end of your contract. Research whether you’re eligible for unemployment benefits or additional money from the government stimulus package.

Look at your household budget and any existing savings. How can you lower your monthly expenses, and how long can you stretch whatever money you may have? What are some ways you can raise cash or increase your income? For example, do you have any valuables you can sell? Can you get a part-time job that can help cover some of the bills?

Put all of these on paper. You’ll feel more in control if you have a financial plan for the next few months. Denial is not going to help you—you’ll only feel more anxious at night, and panic when the bills arrive.

Sharpen your jobhunting skills.

Update your resume and portfolio. Create a LinkedIn account, and actively add people or connections. LinkedIn lets you ask former colleagues to leave recommendations or verify your ability in a particular skill. Message them and ask them to do so—they’ll often be happy to help!

When you apply for a job, write a customized proposal. If necessary, tweak your resume to highlight relevant skills and experience. Be sure to include how you produced concrete results for the company. For example, don’t just put “Sales Coordinator.” Add achievements like “launched a new product and achieved XXX in sales in just one year.”

Prepare for the interview. Research the company, the products, and general industry trends. Practice answers to common questions.

Set goals and schedules.

Resist the urge to stay in bed the whole day. A regular schedule and goals for each week can help you feel more in control of your life, and also help you make the best use of your time. Think of this as an opportunity to develop skills, take classes or join webinars, or tackle personal projects that you never were able to do before. Read books, clean and organize the house, or pick up a hobby. You may not have a “formal job” yet, but you can work on improving yourself!

Celebrate daily victories and blessings.

Don’t get discouraged by rejection letters or long delays in the interview process. That’s part of the territory. Even the world’s best baseball players missed more balls than they hit into the stands. The important thing is you show up for the game. Treat every day as an opportunity to find more job openings, learn a new skill, or even appreciate the simple pleasures in life. Write down these victories and blessings in a gratitude journal. It will help you stay positive even when things are hard. 

Recover from Financial Emergencies with a Title Loan

Sometimes, life throws you a curveball. You’re already on a shoestring budget, but then somebody in the family gets sick, or you have an unexpected car or house repair. For these financial emergencies, you can get a short-term loan like an online title loan.

Title loans let you borrow money while using your vehicle as collateral. It can be a car, truck, SUV, motorcycle, or RV. The amount you can borrow depends on the value of the vehicle.

Title loans don’t require a high credit score, and the processing time is faster and more convenient than typical loans. You don’t have to wait in line, submit tons of documents, and wait for weeks to hear from a loan officer. In fact, with online title lenders like At Home Title Loans, you can complete the entire process online.

man is applying for a loan at home

How to Get a Title Loan from At Home Title Loans

Complete our short and simple online form, and a customer service representative will contact you and walk you through the process. Don’t be afraid to answer any questions or more information about your different options. At Home Title Loans is here to make the application process as comfortable and convenient for you as possible.

Submit your online loan application, and if all is approved, you just need to turn in a few documents and the money will be transferred to your account. That can be quite a relief if you need to raise money quickly. During an emergency, time is of the essence!

While losing your job can throw you into a tailspin, these tips can help you take charge of your life and know that you’re prepared for anything, even a financial emergency. Good luck with your job search!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Louis Tully

Louis Tully is a full-time finance writer offering financial expertise to everyday consumers. He understands the core values of finance and used his writing talents to share his own experiences with money to his readers. His articles teach how financial failures can easily become successes by making new habits and creating realistic goals.